ALFA#1_ Ouverture
~ for Accordion, Piano, Harp, Percussion & Electronics • 2'26"
The first piece of the series has been written around the notes D, F, A - Ré, Fa, La in French -, Fa and La being an anagram of the project name ALFA. The scores were handed to 3 musicians in New York, Bordeaux and Brussels, who filmed themselves playing the piece. The resulting video is an edit of all best ideas received. Short and colorful, it serves as a perfect Ouverture for the suite.
Percussion: Arthur Ros (National Orchestra of Belgium, Flanders Symphony Orchestra, Royal Chamber Orchestra of Wallonia) • recorded in Brussels
Harp: Louise Ollivier (CNR de Bordeaux, Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel) • recorded in Bordeaux
Piano: Michelle Kalisz (Hunter College, NY) • recorded in New York
Accordion: Rafaël Leloup • recorded in Los Angeles